Unit 2: Family History & Health Literacy Meet Kristen Family History and Health Literacy


Meet Kristen

Deaf individuals experience day to day life differently, even with their family. In health care, family history can play a key factor.

You will see how different simple family interactions can be for Deaf family members and the resulting impact that has on personal health literacy.

Learning Objectives

By the end of Unit #2, you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate communication strategies to best meet the needs of the patient, seeking out and implementing resources, including interpreter services, to communicate effectively.
  2. Respond competently to the patient’s language, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, health literacy, and other cultural identities.  Demonstrate awareness of intersecting marginalized identities.
    1. Recognize and mitigate implicit biases when working with Deaf and hard of hearing patients.
    2. Use clear language and patient handouts that are at an appropriate level of health literacy when communicating with patients.
    3. Promote the health and function of the patient by encouraging healthy behaviors. (weight management, exercise, diet, smoking cessation, etc.)
  3. Assess the social environment of the patient to understand the impact of significant relationships and social networks on the health outcomes of the patient.


In this series, you will:

  1. Learn more about Kristen by examining items around her home.
  2. Interact with her family around the dinner table.
  3. Learn about “Dinner Table Syndrome” and the impact it can have on patient health
  4. Communicate with the health care providers.
  5. Review the unique role Health Literacy and Family History may have for Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients.

In each simulation, you will see tips at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to repeat the experience when completed to review any specific parts or you can “Continue” to the next section.